Monday, May 9, 2011

Here we go again

After a number of false starts, let's try this whole "blog" thing again.

I think one of the reasons I failed to write more than 2 blog entries in over two years is that I was taking it too seriously. I felt like my posts needed to have "substance." As elusive and damning a substance as that is, it's no wonder I didn't post much. It's far easier to play video games than think about stuff and make sense of it (nonsense is often more fun). A more accurate way to put it would be to say that I'm lazy. I am, in many ways.

This time around I'm going to settle for volume and regular updates over anything resembling insight. So, without further ado, todays lack of insight:

- Dear Buddha, thanks for having a birthday tomorrow. Tuesdays off are a rare treat that last all week. I plan to celebrate by watching a bad movie and spending some time on the couch, hopefully not alone. Thanks again.

- My iPad is fucking sweet. How else are you gonna play the guitar with your tongue and not risk injury?

- My hair (what remains of it) acts as a natural hygrometer. It's registering high today. I am displeased.

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